The month of May is the Internal Audit awareness month and we would like to commend the Audit Committee, Comptroller General, Management and all Officers of the GIS for their support as partners in ensuring that GIS achieves its vision.
Let us use internal audit to fly high the flag of GIS. AYEKOO to all Internal Auditors and happy awareness month.
The Internal Audit Unit is determined to undertake value-added audit that is aimed at assisting the GIS to accomplish its objectives by applying systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and `improve the effectiveness of risk management, controls and governance process in the Service.
We champion good corporate governance and best practices through Risk Based Internal Audit
We provide reasonable assurance that existing Internal Controls are adequate to mitigate the service’s risk.
We examine the reliability and integrity of financial and operational information by ensuring that due processes and procedures are adhered to.
As we celebrate the Internal Audit month, we echo our promise to stand as a ready resource for organizational growth.